Iran–Pakistan gas pipeline

Original route of the Iran–Pakistan gas pipeline
Public Domain, Author: Deepak at en.wikipedia


The Iran–Pakistan gas pipeline, also known as the Peace pipeline, is an under construction pipeline to deliver natural gas from Iran to Pakistan.


Source: wiki


Project Focus: Iran-Pakistan-India Gas Pipeline
Major developments and articles


Gas vom Nachbarn: Pakistan brüskiert USA mit Iran-Pipeline
Alle Drohungen aus Washington waren vergebens: Pakistan hat mit dem Bau einer Gas-Pipeline aus Iran begonnen. Die Staatschefs beider Länder trafen sich an der gemeinsamen Grenze – und bejubelten die sogenannte „Friedens-Pipeline“.
SpOn – 11.03.2013


Pakistan admits Iran gas pipeline project cannot go ahead unless US sanctions issue resolved
NZR-IRAN – 11.12.2013


Saudi grant kills Iran-Pakistan pipeline
Syed Fazl-e-Haider, Asia Times – 21.03.2014


Iran almost abandons IP gas pipeline project
Tehran is all set to punish Islamabad for its failure to lay down the 781-kilometer-long pipeline in Pakistan’s territory under the Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas line by initiating a new project of Iran-Oman-India (IOI) gas pipeline, a senior official at the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources told The News.
Khalid Mustafa, THE NEWS – 09.04.2014


Pakistan not pressured over IP gas pipeline
Islamabad is not under any foreign pressure to abandon the multi-billion-dollar pipeline project to carry natural gas from Iran to Pakistan, says a Pakistani minister.
PRESS TV – 24.04.2014

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