How Raghuram Rajan is remaking India’s banking sector

How Raghuram Rajan is remaking India’s banking sector
The country’s banking architecture will sport a new look, if the plans of the RBI and govt are implemented. The author traces the likely changes to give a sense of the landscape five years down the line
Manojit Saha | Mumbai April 15, 2015 Last Updated at 00:28 IST
Shortly after taking over as the Reserve Bank of India governor in September 2013, Raghuram Rajan had promised a „dramatic remaking“ of the country’s banking sector. Rajan has walked the talk, though the full results of his efforts would be visible only a few years from now. For example, five years down the line, the Indian banking sector could look very different from what it is now.
To start with, the near-monopoly of public sector banks, which now account for over 77 per cent of the loan market, could well be over. Experts say there could be fewer public sector banks, more niche banks that offer only specific products or cater to a particular group of customers and more private universal banks. The postal department’s ambition to become a full service bank could also impact the monopoly that state-run lenders enjoy in the hinterlands.
Most importantly, customer choices would change dramatically with technological innovations, as a result of which lenders which still depend on savings deposits to attract customers, could face oblivion in the next five years.
„There is definitely change in the air with payments banks, small finance banks and more universal banks coming in. Three years down the line, you will see many of these things happening,“
said Arundhati Bhattacharya, chairman, State Bank of India, the country’s largest lender which controls 17 per cent of the total credit of the banking system.
The changing contours of banks in India
Business Standard
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